Friday, October 31, 2008

A Start

I am setting this up to....let out things that ramble in my brain. Since there seems to be a lot of room up there that is vacant and left for things to bounce around in I need somewhere to send them. Whether anyone reads this or not is not as important I guess as having the outlet to get them somewhere other than my brain. It tends to fill up rapidly and causes headaches.

Hopefully if you do find this site it will give you pause for some thought, a laugh now and then, maybe some inspiration occasionally, and add just a little something to your life in some way.

If you are a blonde please excuse this one, but I though it was cute;

A State Trooper driving down the road noticed the car in front of him swaying a little. So he pulled up alongside and noticed that the blonde lady driving was trying to knit at the same time. He turned on his lights, and tried to get her attention to no avail. He noticed that her window was down a little so he rolled his passenger side window down and shouted to her "PULLOVER!"

She finally notice him and shouted back "NO, It"S A SWEATER."

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