Saturday, March 14, 2009

Chain of Events...

After eating my hotdog and chips for lunch I figured I would finish up by eating something healthy so I went to the fridge for some strawberry yogurt. It had one of those pull off tops, which of course never pull off quite completely. So when I pulled it, it tore the middle, and in the process flipped some yogurt onto the kitchen floor. I opened the door underneath the sink to get a paper towel. When I pulled on the paper towel the whole roll came off the holder and unrolled on the floor. After picking up the roll, rolling it back up, and then pulling one off and putting the roll back on the holder, I knocked a napkin off the counter onto the floor. Realizing that this wasn't going well and would probably only continue to go downhill from there I wiped up the small amount of yogurt on the floor, replaced the yogurt in the fridge, and went and got a couple of cookies. Solved everything!

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